CCPPP Announces 2022 Winners of National Awards for Innovation and Excellence in P3s

Presented by The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP) since 1998, the prestigious awards will be presented at P3 2022, the 30th anniversary of CCPPP’s annual conference, on Monday, November 21 at 1:45 p.m. ET. The winner of the 2022 Champion Award will be presented the following day.

The winning projects are located in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. All showcase how partners are continuing to adapt and refine the ‘made-in-Canada’ P3 model to create, deliver, operate and maintain innovative and transformative infrastructure for their communities.

“We’re excited to welcome back our National Awards for Innovation and Excellence in P3s to a live presentation at our 30th anniversary conference,” said Lisa Mitchell, CCPPP’s President and CEO. “This year, the projects being honoured are transforming our communities, from building state-of-the-art high schools and hospitals to bringing critical broadband service to rural and remote citizens. These seven projects demonstrate the continuing evolution and resiliency of the P3 model in delivering best-in-class infrastructure for Canadians that is innovative and cost effective.”

The 2022 awards are supported by gold sponsor McCarthy Tétrault LLP and silver sponsor EXP.

“The awards committee had several tremendously strong contenders to consider this year,” said Brad Nicpon, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, and chair of the national awards committee. “We were particularly excited to see candidate projects from across a diverse spectrum of asset classes, with the P3 model being deployed in new ways to bring value and much-needed infrastructure to Canadians. The calibre of this year’s candidates demonstrates that the P3 model continues to work to deliver strong, collaborative partnerships between government and the private sector. Congratulation to all the winners!”

The winners are:

Project Development – Gold Award: P3 Schools Bundle #2, Alberta

The $300.3-million project is the first ever P3 schools bundle in Alberta comprised exclusively of high schools. Once completed in 2024, the state-of-the-art schools will serve almost 7,000 students in the municipalities of Blackfalds, Edmonton, Leduc and Langdon. In addition, using a design-build-finance-maintain P3 will save an estimated $114.5 million over the 30-year life cycle of the project compared to a traditional build contract. The ability of the project to progress from procurement to financial close in the midst of the pandemic as well as deliver Value-for-Money for taxpayers showcases the benefits and value of a P3 bundling approach to delivering schools.

Partners: Alberta Infrastructure, Concert Infrastructure and partners Bird Construction, Wright Construction, and Ainsworth

See here for the full article.