People-first spotlight: Michael Guenter

Our people are what makes us who we are, and we look forward to sharing their stories with you. This month we shine the spotlight on Michael Guenter, our Senior Development Manager who has been with Concert for six years.

In your own words, please describe your role:
I’m responsible for managing the design and approvals process for two of Concert’s master-planned communities. I act as an orchestra conductor, coordinating all the in-house and external experts that are required to design a great community.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining the Concert team?
The values of Concert’s shareholders have a distinct impact on how we do business and make decisions. I have a strong alignment with their values and am grateful to have found a “home” where I am aligned with a company’s corporate objectives. 

How do Concert’s values and mission align with your personal values?
In previous jobs, I used my volunteer time to explore initiatives that fulfilled my sense of meaning. At Concert, I feel privileged to spend my work hours on creating more affordable housing, designing buildings with industry-leading environmental sustainability, and creating communities centred around innovative social engagement. 

What is your favourite memory of your time with Concert?
In December 2019, Coquitlam City Council approved a complex land swap, rezoning and affordable housing deal. Concert had led the multi-year approval process with two non-profit partners.

Council was thrilled with the public benefits package and delivered their unanimous approval by way of a standing ovation. The mayor then crossed Council Chamber to give Brian McCauley, our President & CEO, and the other partners, a hug. Not your typical Council meeting!

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?
My hobbies all seem to relate to food and being outdoors. I love jogging (to work up an appetite) and spending time foraging, crabbing, fishing, and gardening with my boys.