People-first spotlight: Hardeep Mehrotara

Our people are what make us who we are, and we look forward to sharing their stories with you. This month we shine the spotlight on Hardeep Mehrotara, Director, Information Security at Concert who started with the company 10 months ago:

In your own words, please describe your role:

I am responsible for the development and management of the Information Security program at Concert, which aims to create a strong, security-aware culture. The program includes 24 /7 monitoring of security threats and incidents, third-party vendor and IT business system security risk assessments, and the enhancement of Concert employee security awareness, ensuring every employee understands the IT risks we face and how to mitigate them.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining the Concert team?

Concert is an amazing place to work! Concert truly lives its people-first culture and has a strong group of talented individuals who are extremely focused and excited to build and grow the company. The dynamic and friendly personalities make it an exciting place for anyone to learn, develop and grow.

How do Concert’s values and mission align with your personal values?

Concert’s values of building sustainable communities by focusing on the people is what makes the company unique and special, and these values align with my personal values of helping to make a difference in the community and people’s lives.

What is your favourite memory of your time with Concert?

I have only been with Concert for ten months, however the warm welcome initially received by the many people that work at Concert is my favourite memory. It truly feels like we are all part of one single family working hard to make a difference.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

I enjoy travelling to new places and hiking. The pandemic has unfortunately limited some of those key activities, however, as things open, I look forward to re-engaging. Outside of work, I work with the Canadian Armed Forces as a Cyber Officer, which keeps me busy and gives me an opportunity to give back to Canada.