
People-first spotlight: Anjela Kalendjian

A people-first philosophy makes Concert Properties an award-winning workplace. This month we are proud to profile an exceptional employee who shares the company’s values and demonstrates their commitment to our principles. Meet Anjela Kalendjian, Community Manager, who joined Concert Properties in 2005.

How did you get started in your profession?

I was hired as a site administrator for [rental property] Jazz and was trained at Prelude. Once Jazz opened for business, I began my work. From that point on, I knew I loved working in property management and continued to work at a variety of buildings, including Jazz, Village Gage West (VGW), Prelude, and now at Motion.

What do you enjoy most about working here?

Interaction with the residents and seeing them happy to live at an amazing building built by Concert Properties.

What have you accomplished at Concert Properties that you are most proud of?

I have worked my way from being a site administrator all the way up to a community manager.

In one sentence, how would you describe your team?

My team is very customer oriented, goal driven, hard working and most of all they are a fantastic group of individuals!

For three consecutive years we were named one of BC’s Top Employers; what makes Concert Properties a top workplace in your mind?

There are three key elements: the company provides a welcoming environment to all employees; they treat their employees like one big happy family; and they offer a very diverse culture.

Tell us about your favourite memory at Concert Properties.

My favourite experience is also my first experience with Concert Properties. It was when I helped in the opening of Jazz. We did not have any model suites to show, and we made every lease sale using only the floor plans of the building.

What three things can you not live without?

  1. My family
  2. My friends
  3. My job 😊