The inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Tomorrow is the inaugural National Day For Truth And Reconciliation, a day to honour the First Nation, Métis, and Inuit survivors of Residential Schools and commemorate those who did not return.

Earlier this year official reports of remains found at residential school sites emerged, and the country began to wake up to this tragedy. 

We have since taken steps as a company to educate ourselves and become better allies. We have made multiple Indigenous learning opportunities available to our employees, and earlier this month we were honoured to have Chief Dr. Robert Joseph come speak to us about his experience in the residential school system.

Today in our offices and tomorrow, our team will wear orange in solidarity as a day for remembrance, to generate conversation, encourage learning and listening, and effect change for Indigenous Peoples and communities. 

We support and encourage our partners and communities to learn about the importance of honouring this day to ensure that the tragic history of residential schools, in the place now known as Canada, is never forgotten.