Concert President and CEO is appointed to REALPAC Board

Concert’s President and CEO Brian McCauley has been appointed to the 2022 REALPAC Board of Directors.

REALPAC is a national association that represents a broad and deep roster of members made up of top tier executives and decision-makers in the Canadian commercial real estate industry. REALPAC serves this membership directly through numerous committees as well as through its advocacy work.

When the pandemic first hit, REALPAC set up sector-based committees to help its membership navigate those uncertain early days. It was that kind of industry collaboration that allowed industry players to more cohesively interpret ever-changing government restrictions and regulations, and begin to move forward with best practices guidelines.

“We’ve been long-time members of REALPAC,” says McCauley. “But the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was an opportunity to really see the value of this association in action. Particularly looking at how disrupted our industries have been by COVID-19, it has been immensely useful to have this kind of access to information.”

REALPAC’s strategic priorities are well-aligned with those of Concert, in particular the shared focus on contributing to the Canadian economy; to environment, sustainability and good governance (ESG), and to equity, diversity and inclusion (DEI).

“Given the diversity of Concert today, both geographically and across our asset classes, it’s a perfect fit to be part of an association with such a recognized national footprint and presence,” continues McCauley. “Being associated with REALPAC gives us the opportunity to have a voice at a higher level, which ultimately better positions us to address critical issues such as climate change, housing affordability, and social isolation.” 

McCauley’s leadership and experience has been in demand, as he was recently a member of the joint federal-BC Expert Panel on the Future of Housing Supply and Affordability.