Concert and industry partners donate $355,000 for trades training despite another challenging year

For over 30 years, through its annual golf tournament, Concert and its partners have been raising funds in support of trades training programs across Canada. With a tournament in both Vancouver and Toronto, this fun event had long been a cherished favourite.

But when the pandemic first hit in 2020, the physical golf event had to be postponed. The same difficult decision was made in 2021 as we continued to navigate this “new normal”.

What hasn’t changed, however, is the generosity of our loyal industry partners who continue to see the value and necessity of supporting trades training.

Through a combined effort between Concert and many of our long-standing and new industry partners, we were able to exceed our fundraising goal – an outstanding achievement in light of the many challenges we continue to face from COVID-19.

This year, $355,000 was contributed to BCIT, Camosun College, George Brown College and COBT Hammer Heads for bursaries, scholarships and awards – bringing total dollars raised in support of trades programs across Canada since 1995 to $4.2 million.

Collaborating with these colleges, institutes and community organizations opens doors for students to well-paying jobs in the trades, and is an ongoing investment in the future of our industry.

“As we continue to navigate the uncertainty of the last couple years, Concert continues to focus on building a people-first future,” says Brian McCauley, Concert President and CEO. “Helping to fund the trades training programs that equip diverse members of our community with the skills needed for well-paying careers in the trades industry is a pivotal part of this.”

To all who contributed to this year’s efforts, thank you for your continued generosity. We would like to give a specific thank you to those who donated in excess of $3,000:

2021 Donors (over $3,000)