Relocating Heritage Homes in Victoria

Over January 18-20, 2016, Concert and Jawl Properties undertook the relocation of two heritage homes in Victoria via truck and barge. Click below to check out the various pieces of media coverage that documented the move.

CTV News - January 20 - Video Coverage of Houses Being Moved

Times ColonistJanuary 20 - Historic Houses to get Settled on Dallas Road Waterfront Today

Time Colonist - January 20 Editorial: Recycled Houses a Win-Win Story

CFAX - January 20 - PHOTO: Two heritage homes arrive at Ogden Point as they move to new location

CTV News - January 19, 2016 - Video Coverage of the Move

Vibrant Victoria  - January 19 Relocation of Homes from 524 and 526 Michigan Street

Times Colonist January 19 - New Waterfront Home for Two Historic Houses

Citified January 19 - James Bay Heritage Homes on the Move: Seafaring Relocation will be a Sight to See