Concert Infrastructure Fund announces $150 million recapitalization

Concert is pleased to announce the recapitalization of Concert Infrastructure Fund (“CIF”) with an additional C$150 million irrevocable commitment from existing unit holders. The recapitalization was made through a rights offering which supports planned and future investments in Canadian infrastructure projects.

“This successful rights offering speaks directly to the trust we have built with our unit holders, and our combined confidence in the Canadian infrastructure and P3 (Public-Private Partnership) market to continue providing attractive long-term returns,” said David Podmore, Concert Infrastructure Ltd.’s Chairman & CEO. “In addition to reinforcing the company’s mission to invest and manage infrastructure projects over the long term, this re-capitalization clearly demonstrates to procuring authorities that Concert Infrastructure has the capacity to adequately fund P3 projects well in the future.”

Concert Infrastructure Fund was first established in 2010 with the mission of enabling Canadian pension plans to directly invest in and manage Canadian infrastructure projects. The fund is overseen by Concert Infrastructure Ltd. and owned by 10 Canadian union and management pension funds. As of today, the Fund holds investments and irrevocable commitments of C$355 million. Concert Infrastructure remains primarily focused on direct investment and management of Canadian infrastructure assets over the long term.

Concert Infrastructure Fund unit holders:

  • Telecommunication Workers Pension Plan         
  • Pulp & Paper Industry Pension Plan
  • UFCW Union Pension Plan                              
  • Teamsters (Local 213) Pension Plan
  • Local 213 Electrical Workers Pension Plan          
  • Operating Engineer’s Pension Plan
  • The Plumbers Union Local 170 Pension Plan                
  • Piledrivers’, Divers, Bridge, Dock & Wharf Builders’ Pension Plan
  • Marine and Shipbuilders Local 506 Pension Plan
  • British Columbia Labourers’ Pension Plan